1 algebraic place
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > algebraic place
2 algebraic place
Математика: алгебраическая точка поля -
3 algebraic place
4 place
1) место2) положение3) помещать; размещать4) разряд; позиция5) помещать; класть; ставить•in the first place — в первую очередь, во-первых
5 алгебраическая точка поля
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > алгебраическая точка поля
6 operator
1) диспетчер2) владелец ( оборудования)3) машинист4) оператор машины или системы6) матем. оператор- almost periodic operator - amateur radio operator - asymptotically polylinear operator - bounded below operator - completely invertible operator - double stochastic operator - formally hypoelliptic operator - formally self-adjoint operator - formally symmetric operator - internal operator - isotonic operator - left shift operator - locally algebraic operator - locally measurable operator - negative semidefinite operator - normally resolvable operator - partial recursive operator - partially hypoelliptic operator - partially isometric operator - positive definite operator - positive semidefinite operator - properly orthogonal operator - relatively degenerate operator - relatively invertible operator - relatively regular operator - selective operator - skew adjoint operator - skew self-adjoint operator - uniformly strongly elliptic operator - weakly separable operator -
7 identity
1) матем. единица || единичный2) идентичность, одинаковость, тождественность5) опознание; отождествление6) матем. тождество7) геол. однородность•component of the identity — матем. компонента единицы
monoid with identity — матем. полугруппа с единицей
ring with identity — матем. кольцо с единицей
ring without identity — матем. кольцо без единицы
semigroup with identity — матем. полугруппа с единицей
semigroup without identity — матем. полугруппа без единицы
to reduce to an identity — матем. обращать в тождество
to satisfy an identity — мат. удовлетворять тождеству
8 predicate
1) вчт предикат (1. пропозициональная логическая функция, выражение с неопределёнными терминами 2. приписываемый объекту признак; свойство; отношение 3. сказуемое 4. рема, ядро, заключительная часть актуального членения предложения 5. ключевое слово (напр. в языках программирования SQL и Prolog)) || предикатный, предикативный3) утверждение || утверждать•- predicate with free variable
- algebraic predicate
- analytical predicate
- associated predicates
- atomic predicate
- basic predicate
- binary predicate
- Boolean predicate
- bounded predicate
- complete predicate
- completely defined predicate
- completely representable predicate
- computability predicate
- decidable predicate
- definable predicate
- derived predicate
- disjunctively definable predicate
- dyadic predicate
- enumerable predicate
- equality predicate
- exhaustive predicate
- expressible predicate
- first-order predicate
- formula predicate
- fuzzy predicate
- generable predicate
- general recursive predicate
- higher-order predicate
- Horn predicate
- invariant predicate
- irreducible predicate
- logic predicate
- monadic predicate
- multi-place predicate
- n-argument predicate
- niladic predicate
- n-place predicate
- nth order predicate
- numerical predicate
- one-place predicate
- polynomial predicate
- prime predicate
- primitively recursive predicate
- recursive predicate
- representable predicate
- resolvable predicate
- sameness predicate
- semantic predicate
- strong predicate
- triadic predicate
- two-place predicate
- unary predicate
- undecidable predicate
- unitary predicate
- universal predicate -
9 predicate
1) вчт. предикат (1. пропозициональная логическая функция, выражение с неопределёнными терминами2. приписываемый объекту признак; свойство; отношение 3. сказуемое 4. рема, ядро, заключительная часть актуального членения предложения 5. ключевое слово (напр. в языках программирования SQL и Prolog)) || предикатный, предикативный3) утверждение || утверждать•- analytical predicate
- associated predicates
- atomic predicate
- basic predicate
- binary predicate
- Boolean predicate
- bounded predicate
- complete predicate
- completely defined predicate
- completely representable predicate
- computability predicate
- decidable predicate
- definable predicate
- derived predicate
- disjunctively definable predicate
- dyadic predicate
- enumerable predicate
- equality predicate
- exhaustive predicate
- expressible predicate
- first-order predicate
- formula predicate
- fuzzy predicate
- generable predicate
- general recursive predicate
- higher-order predicate
- Horn predicate
- invariant predicate
- irreducible predicate
- logic predicate
- monadic predicate
- multi-place predicate
- n-argument predicate
- niladic predicate
- n-place predicate
- nth order predicate
- numerical predicate
- one-place predicate
- polynomial predicate
- predicate of predicates
- predicate with free variable
- prime predicate
- primitively recursive predicate
- recursive predicate
- representable predicate
- resolvable predicate
- sameness predicate
- semantic predicate
- strong predicate
- triadic predicate
- two-place predicate
- unary predicate
- undecidable predicate
- unitary predicate
- universal predicateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > predicate
10 functor
11 predicate
логика1) предикат, сказуемое || предикатный2) утверждение || утверждать• -
12 functor
вчтфунктор, оператор над типами ( в теории категорий)- additive functor
- algebraic functor
- amnestic functor
- balanced functor
- bijective functor
- binary functor
- canonic functor
- closed functor
- complete functor
- composition functor
- conjunction functor
- derived functor
- disjunction functor
- embedding functor
- extensional functor
- family functor
- free functor
- hereditary functor
- homology functor
- homotopy functor
- immersion functor
- inclusion functor
- injective functor
- intensional functor
- logical functor
- negation functor
- one-place functor
- open functor
- product functor
- projective functor
- Radon functor
- resolvent functor
- singular functor
- statement functor
- sum functor
- surjective functor
- two-place functor
- unary functor
- zero-argument functor -
13 functor
вчт.функтор, оператор над типами ( в теории категорий)- algebraic functor
- amnestic functor
- balanced functor
- bijective functor
- binary functor
- canonic functor
- closed functor
- complete functor
- composition functor
- conjunction functor
- derived functor
- disjunction functor
- embedding functor
- extensional functor
- family functor
- free functor
- functor of points
- hereditary functor
- homology functor
- homotopy functor
- immersion functor
- inclusion functor
- injective functor
- intensional functor
- logical functor
- negation functor
- one-place functor
- open functor
- product functor
- projective functor
- Radon functor
- resolvent functor
- singular functor
- statement functor
- sum functor
- surjective functor
- two-place functor
- unary functor
- zero-argument functorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > functor
14 calculus
15 construction
1) сооружение, строительство3) конструкция4) матем. построение5) строение; сооружение6) структура•construction subsidized by public funds — строительство, финансируемое из общественных фондов
constructions on a stereogram — матем. построения на стереографической проекции
16 relation
1) зависимость, (взаимо)связь2) отношение; соотношение4) геол. условия залегания•- almost universal relation - cause-effect relation - generalized semigroup relation - logically irreducible relation - parametrically definable relation - partial ordering relation - recursively enumerable relation - recursively invariant relation - recursively representable relation - strongly definable relation - weakly symmetric relation -
17 series
1) серия; ряд; последовательность2) геол. толща, свита3) мат. прогрессия; рядexpansion in a series — матем. разложение в ряд
series in a closed form — матем. ряд в замкнутом виде, замкнутый ряд
series in terms of powers of x — матем. ряд по степеням x
series with decreasing coefficients — матем. ряд с убывающими коэффициентами
to cut off a series — матем. обрывать ряд
to develop as series in x — матем. разлагать в ряд по степеням x
to expand in power series — матем. разлагать в степенной ряд
to expand into series — матем. разлагать в ряд
- absolutely divergent series - absolutely summable series - almost everywhere summable series - almost periodic series - almost stationary series - almost uniformly convergent series - completely convergent series - completely invariant series - configuration counting series - confluent hypergeometric series - dominating series - essentially divergent series - everywhere convergent series - everywhere divergent series - function counting series - inverse tangent series - monotonic increasing series - multidimensional time series - multivariate time series - nonuniformly convergent series - normally distributed series - normally summable series - randomly ordered series - slowly oscillating series - strongly summable series - unconditionally convergent series - uniformly bounded series - uniformly divergent series - uniformly summable series - upper central seriesto express as power series — матем. выражать в виде степенного ряда
4) цикл, сериал5) электр. последовательное соединение•connected in series with — электр. последовательно включённый
to place in series with — электр. включать последовательно
18 value
1) величина; значение; показатель2) ценность; стоимость3) нормировать4) цена || ценить; оценивать5) расценивать6) ценностный•equal in absolute value — мат. равный по модулю
spread in values — мат. разброс значений
- arithmetical mean value - average absolute value - average overall subsampling value - deficien value - high heating value - highly significant value - left invariant mean value - most probable value - nontrivial absolute value - optimum valueto possess [to take on] value — мат. принимать значение
- pH value- preset value - tabular value
См. также в других словарях:
Algebraic chess notation — is used to record and describe the moves in a game of chess. It is now standard among all chess organizations and most books, magazines, and newspapers. In English speaking countries, it replaced the parallel system of descriptive chess notation … Wikipedia
Algebraic notation (chess) — Algebraic notation Algebraic notation (or AN) is a method for recording and describing the moves in a game of chess. It is now standard among all chess organizations and most books, magazines, and newspapers. In English speaking countries, AN… … Wikipedia
Algebraic topology — is a branch of mathematics which uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces. The basic goal is to find algebraic invariants that classify topological spaces up to homeomorphism. In many situations this is too much to hope for… … Wikipedia
Algebraic number field — In mathematics, an algebraic number field (or simply number field) F is a finite (and hence algebraic) field extension of the field of rational numbers Q. Thus F is a field that contains Q and has finite dimension when considered as a vector… … Wikipedia
Algebraic number theory — In mathematics, algebraic number theory is a major branch of number theory which studies the algebraic structures related to algebraic integers. This is generally accomplished by considering a ring of algebraic integers O in an algebraic number… … Wikipedia
Algebraic geometry — This Togliatti surface is an algebraic surface of degree five. Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics which combines techniques of abstract algebra, especially commutative algebra, with the language and the problems of geometry. It… … Wikipedia
Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry — In mathematics, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry are two closely related subjects. While algebraic geometry studies algebraic varieties, analytic geometry deals with complex manifolds and the more general analytic spaces defined locally… … Wikipedia
Algebraic group — In algebraic geometry, an algebraic group (or group variety) is a group that is an algebraic variety, such that the multiplication and inverse are given by regular functions on the variety. In category theoretic terms, an algebraic group is a… … Wikipedia
Algebraic Riccati equation — The algebraic Riccati equation is either of the following matrix equations:the continuous time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE):: A^T X + X A X B B^T X + Q = 0 , or the discrete time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE):: X = A^T X A (A^T X B)(R +… … Wikipedia
algebraic — algebraically, adv. /al jeuh bray ik/, adj. 1. of, occurring in, or utilizing algebra. 2. Math. of or pertaining to an element that is the root of a polynomial equation with coefficients from some given field. 3. using arbitrary letters or… … Universalium
algebraic — al•ge•bra•ic [[t]ˌæl dʒəˈbreɪ ɪk[/t]] also al ge•bra′i•cal adj. 1) math. of, occurring in, or utilizing algebra 2) math. (of an equation) in the form of a polynomial with only a finite number of terms and equated to zero 3) math. using arbitrary… … From formal English to slang